Collex Getting Started

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Revision as of 22:24, 1 May 2013 by Egrumbach (talk | contribs)
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Getting the Source Code

The source code is housed on a public GitHub page. The Collex repositories are arranged in the following manner:

 -A web service that exposes all of the documents stored in the solr index.
 -The public-facing web app for Collex.
 -For accepting contributions to the arc catalog.
 -A web service that keeps info on the typewright documents.
 -An instance of solr configured to work with the Collex Catalog.
 -A Java app that indexes the RDF files into the solr index. It also
handles text and does some testing of the RDF objects and the solr
 -A child of the Hybrid theme for gluing the WordPress portions to the
Rails portions of Collex.


Please see the following links for information about required gems for the Collex software.